Cold therapy can be applied in various ways, including with ice packs, cooling sprays, ice massages, and hot tubs or ice baths. When used to treat the injury at home, cold therapy refers to therapy with ice or gel packs that are usually reserved in the freezer until needed. These stay one of the simplest and most proven remedies for controlling pain and swelling. If you want to send us an article about contact lenses, mail us at
Cryotherapy means cold therapy. When you push a bag of frozen peas onto a swollen ankle or knee, you treat your pain with a modern (but essential) version of cryotherapy.
Putting ice or frozen objects directly on the skin can relieve pain and damage the skin. It’s best to wrap the cold item in a thin towel to protect your skin from the direct cold, especially if you’re using gel packs from the freezer.
Apply the ice pack or gel for short periods, about 10 to 20 minutes, several times a day. Check your skin often for sensations when using cryotherapy. This will help ensure that you are not damaging the fabrics.
You may need to combine cryotherapy with other pain control approaches:
Rest: Take a break from activities that may make your pain worse.
Compression: Applying pressure to the area can assist control bumps and pain and stabilising the site, so you don’t get hurt further.
Elevation: Put your feet up or elevate any part of your body that feels pain.
Pain medicine: Over-the-counter products can help relieve discomfort.
Rehabilitation exercises: Depending on your injury, you may want to try stretching and strengthening exercises that can support the area, as your healthcare provider recommends.
Stop applying ice if you lose feeling in the skin where you use it. Contact your health care provider if cryotherapy does not make the pain go away. Also, you may want to keep away from cryotherapy if you have certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, that affect your ability to detect tissue damage.
Cold shock response
Cold compression therapy
Freeze spray
Achilles tendinitis
Plantar fasciitis
Repetitive strain injury
Rotator cuff
Strain (injury)
Tennis elbow
Torn rotator cuff
Cold Therapy
Medical therapy
Ice bath
Cold water
Weight loss
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